Last Updated On October 02, 2020 / Written By Dakota Sheetz

The Importance of Review Monitoring in Restaurants

We grow up being taught not to care what other people think about us. In saying that, restaurant review monitoring is an example of when that rule doesn't apply. We should care what people think about us at least on a professional level.

Monitoring restaurant reviews can be the difference between welcoming new customers regularly and not even retaining the ones you have. Are you intrigued by how that works? Read on to find out more.

The Importance of Reviews

Online restaurant reviews can serve more than just your curiosity. Sure, it's helpful to give a voice to those customers who don't feel confident to speak up during their visit. But restaurant reviews can also do much more for your business.

Increased Business
The stats speak for themselves. A Harvard Business School study found that just a one-star increase on Yelp saw a 9% revenue rise for a restaurant. What's more, restaurants with more reviews than an average eatery can see an increase of 82% more revenue, according to Womply research. Essentially, reputation and revenue go hand in hand.

Opportunities for Improvement
If you have been looking for ways to improve your business, reviews may just hold the key. A customer may not feel confident telling you that your waitress is rude, or your curry isn't spicy enough in person. But give them an online platform, and they may feel differently.

It might sting a little bit to receive a negative review. Still, any review can give you an opportunity to improve. You might have a word to your waitress about what she thinks the customer means. You may even try the curry for yourself, and see if it does, indeed, need a bit more heat.

Increasing Foot Traffic
If your restaurant isn't in a central, easy-access part of town, then it may not be privy to the same foot traffic as one that is. That can be a disadvantage, but not always. You can increase your foot traffic by making sure your restaurant is visible online.

Google My Business can help with that, while also making sure you appear in local searches. When you sign up for Google My Business, you can appear in maps when people are looking for a bite to eat in your area. Those same tech-savvy people can then review your business and get your name out there better than any neon open' sign can.

Tips on Monitoring Reviews

There is now no denying that restaurant reviews are essential for your bottom line and reputation. In saying that, the many different reviewing platforms can be overwhelming. How are you supposed to keep up? It's easier than you might think.

Know the Best Platforms
There are a few standout review platforms that allow you to sign up and receive notifications. Every time someone posts a review, you are alerted to it and can respond accordingly.

Popular options include Google My Business, Facebook, Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Zomato. Fill out as much of your business information on these platforms as possible so that current and future customers can be well-informed. Don't forget to update your opening hours if and when they change.

Allocate Time to Managing Reviews
If you don't set aside time in your day for restaurant review monitoring, then you will never have time for it. Either at the beginning or end of your day, check out the latest reviews people have left for your restaurant.

The more active' you are with checking these reviews, the more likely you can be to receive more. This is particularly true with negative reviews. Given how many people read reviews, being this attentive is worth your while.

Respond Appropriately
Negative reviews are a given. When you run a successful restaurant that sees hundreds of people through its doors, you won't ever be able to please everyone. But how you respond to those negative reviews can make all the difference.

Address the person who has left the negative review, and thank them for their time in leaving it. Apologize for what happened, offer to rectify the problem, and sign off with your name.
An example of an appropriate reply to a negative review would be-

"Hi Paul,
Thank you for your feedback. We were disappointed to hear about your experience. We strive to provide a memorable dining experience, and yours does not meet our standard of service.

We would like an opportunity to make this right. Please email me at so we can discuss this more with you.

We thank you again for sharing your experience, and we hope to hear from you soon.



Restaurant review monitoring might not seem quite as important as serving your diners or ordering your inventory but it can be. Taking the time to read reviews, responding, and acting on them can have an impact on your restaurant's reputation and, ultimately, your revenue.

  • Investment in your online review monitoring can lead to revenue increases
  • You can experience an increase in foot traffic
  • An online presence can boost your reputation
  • Signing up to the right platforms can get your business noticed
  • Managing your online reviews requires setting aside time in your day
  • Negative reviews can provide you with an opportunity to improve